Thursday 25 October 2018

Get Proper Guidance & Training for Self-Directive Learning with the Best Learning Programs at Vienna

Learning independently can be challenging, even for the biggest and most motivated students. As a means of better understanding the processes involved in this mode of study known as self-directed learning programs have four stages. They are as follows:
  1.      Being ready to learn
  2.      Setting learning goals
  3.      Engaging in the learning process
  4.      Evaluating learning

Students need various skills and attitudes towards learning for successful independent study. These skills and methods are best provided by Eye Level. It provides best learning programs at Vienna which inspires and helps many students to take this challenge towards independent growth.

Being Ready to Learn           
This step involves students conducting a self-evaluation of their current situation, study habits, family situation, and support network both at school and at home and also involves evaluating past experiences with independent learning.

Setting Learning Goals                    
Communication of learning goals between a student and the advising instructor is critical. Best learning programs at Vienna from Eye Level helps to develop a set of questions for students to consider as they map out their learning goals. It helps to formulate many things such as:

  •         Goals for the unit of study
  •         Structure and sequence of activities
  •         Timeline for completion of activities
  •         Details about grading procedures and many more

Engaging in the Learning Process
Students need to understand themselves as learners in order to understand their needs as self-directed learning students and also to understand their approach to studying. A deep approach to studying involves transformation and its ideal for self-directed learning. Best learning programs at Vienna from Eye Level gives very transparent approach about how to engage in learning in a self-directive learning. Its teachers guides and helps students in every possible way for best learning.

Evaluating Learning
For students to be successful in self-directed learning, they must be able to engage in a unit of study. To support this self-evaluation process, they should regularly consult with teachers, seek feedbacks, and engage in reflection of their achievements. Eye Level’s best learning programs at Vienna provides proper guidance and feedbacks for self-directive learning process. It is one of the best institutions which provide quality education and training at reasonable price.

Contact Information
513 Maple Ave W, Suite #201 Vienna,
VA 22180

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